Terms and Conditions

Matrix Mailbox Terms and Conditions

Tech Adopters LLC

Tech Adopters LLC DBA Matrix Mailbox Terms and Conditions

1)          This Mailbox Service Agreement (“Agreement”) is made and entered into by the customer identified above (“Customer”) for the use of and services related to a mailbox (the “Mailbox”) at virtual mailbox centers identified henceforth as (MATRIX) dba Matrix Mailbox under the terms set forth herein.

2)          Customer agrees that Customer will not use MATRIX premises or any MATRIX services for any unlawful, illegitimate, or fraudulent purpose or for any purpose prohibited by U.S. postal regulations. Customer further agrees that any use of the Mailbox shall be in conformity with all applicable federal, state and local laws. Each individual or entity must complete a separate U.S. Postal Service Form 1583 (“Form 1583”) to be authorized to receive mail or packages at the Mailbox. However, spouses may complete one Form 1583, as long as both spouses include their separate information on the Form.

3)          This Agreement and Form 1583 shall remain confidential, except that this Agreement and Form 1583 may be disclosed upon written request of any law enforcement or other governmental agency, or when legally mandated. Upon request, the Customer agrees to complete all necessary documents, including Form 1583 and any required acknowledgment form relating to service of process.  Customer further agrees to sign an updated version of this Agreement and Form 1583 upon request.

4)          Possession of the Mailbox service shall be considered valid evidence that the possessor is duly authorized to remove any contents from the Mailbox.  In the event of death or incapacity of Customer, MATRIX will require the appropriate documents from the Probate Court, the executor of the estate, the trustee or other similar person or entity before releasing mail or packages to a requesting party.

5)          Customer agrees to pay a monthly or annual fee and ongoing fees for requested services. Fees are listed Matrix Mailbox Mail Management and Additional Fees below and maybe listed on MATRIX website or provided to customer through email or written form. Any accidental pricing errors listed shall not entitle the customer to error pricing as solely determined by MATRIX. Month to Month Mailbox Service plans may be cancelled at any time by emailing support@matrixmailbox.com and a confirmation email from MATRIX will be sent confirming cancellation and last invoice amounts due if any. Services will terminate at the end of monthly billing cycle regardless of when terminated during month and there is no monthly proration for services not used. Yearly Mailbox Service Plans may be cancelled on or prior to the annual anniversary date but NO REFUNDS SHALL BE ISSUED. Customers may terminate at the end of their yearly billing cycle or prior to the anniversary date and there is no monthly proration for services not used. The customer who purchases the monthly plan will be billed monthly in advance for the selected Month to Month service plan and will also be billed for any previous month’s additional services used by Customer above Customer’s selected plans included services. Monthly plan Customers will be invoiced and due on the 1st of each month. Customers who purchase a yearly plan will automatically renew upon their anniversary date for another yearly plan if not cancelled prior to renewal date. Yearly plan customers will also be billed for the previous month’s additional services used by Customer above Customer’s selected plans included services. All plan customers must maintain a valid credit card on file for reoccurring charges and additional services charged. If no credit card on file or credit card is invalid when charged, services will be terminated until payment for all charges are received and valid credit card is on file. Mailbox service fees and other related fees stated herein are subject to change without notice and use of service shall constitute acceptance of new prices. MATRIX may at its sole discretion request from the Customer a deposit of $100 or more depending on the service plan which shall be renewed automatically when the balance falls below $25 upon request by MATRIX at any time for any reason. If the customer does not provide a deposit when requested MATRIX may cancel services immediately to the Customer. If a deposit is paid and services are cancelled by either party any remaining amount of deposit after any balances owed shall be refunded back to the Customer.

If a customer disputes any charges with their credit card company and a debit is issued by MATRIX’S merchant provider, the Customer shall remain liable for those charges. If dispute is accepted by MATRIX, Customer must cancel dispute with their credit card company and MATRIX shall issue a credit. If the dispute is not cancelled by the Customer, the dispute amount shall be debited to the Customer account and MATRIX may request a $100 deposit from Customer under the same deposit terms stated above for Customer to receive further services. If the deposit is not paid by the Customer, MATRIX may close the Customer’s account.

In the event that Customer receives an unreasonable volume of mail or packages at the Mailbox according to the MATRIX’s reasonable judgment, MATRIX may require Customer to upgrade to a larger size mailbox and/or pay any additional charges. MATRIX reserves the right to increase the Mailbox service fees if the Customer adds additional individuals or entities to the names of those individuals or entities authorized to receive mail and packages at the Mailbox pursuant to Form 1583.

All refunds or credits approved by MATRIX to Customer going through MATRIX’S merchant service provider shall be credited minus any merchant service fees incurred by MATRIX.

If Customer account is cancelled by either party, all mail in Matrix possession shall be automatically requested to Forward to Customer as Customer’s expense. If Customer does not make payment for forwarding costs, mail shall automatically be Recycled after 6 months.

6)          Service processes are described as follows and are as per the instruction of the customer. MATRIX will receive mail on the customer’s behalf.  Customers understand that depending on their plan only a certain amount of mail received is included in their plan described in customers Welcome Letter and any mail received above plan shall have additional charges as described in Matrix Mailbox Additional Fees. MATRIX shall scan outside of envelope and upload scan into customer’s virtual mailbox. Customer may then request from the following:

            a. MATRIX to open mail and scan contents inside. The customer understands that depending on which plan they are only certain number of open mail request scans are included in their plan and any scan requests above their plan will be at an additional charge as described in Matrix Mailbox Additional Fees. Packages CAN NOT be scanned under any circumstances. MATRIX may at its sole discretion limit how many pages it will scan for any single mail item.

              MATRIX will not scan books, bound or stapled material, magazines, pamphlets, brochures, long legal briefs, long court documents or any other material MATRIX deems too difficult to scan. Any scans done above plan limit have additional fees.

              b. Matrix to forward mail to an address of their choosing. Shipping and Handling (S&H) costs charged to customer at the time of the forward request shall apply as described in Matrix Mailbox Additional Fees. If MATRIX is not able to charge customer for S&H due to invalid or expired credit card, the forward request may be delayed or canceled by MATRIX until such time customer is able to update with a valid credit card. Customer understands that once they make a forward request it is processed without informing the customer of shipping and handling charges and customer accepts all charges. ALL SHIPPING CHARGES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE ONCE PROCESSED BY MATRIX.

               c. MATRIX to Recycle mail

               d. MATRIX to permanently shred mail at an additional fee as described in Matrix Mailbox Mail Management and Additional Fees below

              Customer understands that if customer chooses open and scan (a) from above customer must still complete what to do with mail after open and scan request. Customer must choose either to forward (b) or to recycle or shred (c or d) otherwise mail is stored for 180 days and storage fees shall apply as described Matrix Mailbox Mail Management and Additional Fees below.

If a mail item does not end with either a forward or recycle/shred request or none of the above choices are made by the customer, mail items will be stored, and storage fees shall apply as described in Matrix Mailbox Additional Fees. If no action is instructed for a mail item after 180 days, mail shall automatically be recycled. Customer agrees to release MATRIX from all liability for any mail items that are automatically recycled.

                 e. Matrix Mailbox may refuse to receive any mail for any reason at any time without liability. In particular mail weighing above 10lbs or above 108” in total circumference or perishable items should NOT be sent to your Matrix Mailbox address. Matrix Mailbox does not offer local pick-up services and any mail with the above references would be expensive to forward and handle. Any mail that is perishable or with the above weight or size should be mailed directly to your forwarding address.

MATRIX reserves the right to change processes without notice to the customer and customer continued use of service shall constitute acceptance on their part. MATRIX makes no claims or guarantees to processing times of customer’s mail receipt, scanning, forwarding, or shredding.

MATRIX makes no guarantees as to the time frame of mail arriving and being processed into the Customer’s account. MATRIX makes no guarantees as to the time frame of how long any scanning, forwarding and shredding requests maybe honored. It is at the sole discretion of MATRIX as to when and how to process any Customer mail. Again, no perishable items should be sent to MATRIX.

7)          Upon expiration, cancellation, or termination of this Agreement, without any liability to MATRIX, MATRIX will:

  1. Refuse any package addressed to Customer delivered by any party other than the U.S. Postal Service, such as a commercial courier service.
  2. Discard or destroy any of the Customer’s mail or packages delivered to or remaining at MATRIX at such time.

8)          The term of this Agreement shall be the initial period paid for by Customer and any renewal period paid for by Customer from time to time.  Renewal of this Agreement for additional terms shall be at MATRIX’s sole discretion. MATRIX reserves the right to terminate services for any customer for any reason with 24 hours’ notice to the customer.

9)          Customer agrees that the MATRIX may change pricing and terms of use for any reason by providing Customer thirty (30) days written notice.  Customer may cancel services per above cancellations rules. A customer’s continued use of services after any notice constitutes acceptance of any changes.

10)        Any written notice to Customer required or permitted under this Agreement shall be deemed delivered twenty-four (24) hours after placement of such notice by email to customer or put in Customer’s Mailbox or at the time personally delivered to Customer.  In the event of a termination notice based upon abandonment of the Mailbox, notice shall be deemed delivered (a) on the next day after placing in the hands of a commercial courier service or the United States Postal Service for next day delivery, or (b) five (5) days after placement in the United States Mail by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, postage prepaid, and addressed to Customer at Customer’s address as set forth in Form 1583, or on the date of actual receipt, whichever is earlier.

11)        As Customer’s authorized agent for receipt of mail, MATRIX will accept all mail, including registered, insured and certified items.  Unless prior arrangements have been made, MATRIX shall only be obligated to accept mail, or packages delivered by commercial courier services which require a signature from MATRIX as a condition of delivery.  Customer must accept all storage and forwarding charges for mail and packages as set forth in additional charges rate sheet provided to customer.  In the event Customer refuses to accept any mail or package, MATRIX may return the mail or package to the sender and Customer will be responsible for any postage or other fees associated with such return. C.O.D. items will be accepted ONLY if prior arrangements have been made and payment in advance is provided to MATRIX. MATRIX may refuse to receive any mail item for any reason at any time at its sole discretion. MATRIX does not provide any tenancy to the customer and only provides a virtual mailbox address. MATRIX can not provide any proof of tenancy such as a utility bill or lease agreement. MATRIX is strictly a mailbox address where mail can be received and managed.

12)        Customer agrees to protect, indemnify, defend and hold harmless MATRIX, and their respective affiliates, subsidiaries, parent corporations, franchisees, officers, directors, agents and employees from and against any and all losses, damages, expenses, claims, demands, liabilities, judgments, settlement amounts, costs and causes of action of every type and character arising out of or in connection with the use or possession of the Mailbox, including without limitation, any demands, claims and causes of action for personal injury or property damage arising from such use or possession, from failure of the U.S. Postal Service or any commercial courier service to deliver on time or otherwise deliver any items (mail, packages, etc.), from damage to or loss of any package or mail, or to the Mailbox contents by any cause whatsoever, and from any violation by Customer of applicable federal, state or local laws.

13)        Customer releases MATRIX of all liability for receiving, handling, storing, check deposit services, forwarding services and any other services provided by MATRIX for any mail on Customer’s behalf. Customer understands and accepts that MATRIX is only acting as a facilitator of Customer’s mail and in no way accepts liability for any loss or damage for delivery, acceptance, handling, storage, check deposit and forwarding of any Customer’s mail. All Customers are advised to pick USPS Priority tracked mailing services as provided by MATRIX. MATRIX also advises that any mail deemed important, valuable or time sensitive to the Customer should NOT be sent through MATRIX services and should be sent directly to CUSTOMER. MATRIX expresses no implied warranty or guarantee of services and MATRIX cannot be held liable for any value except for as stated in section 14 for any of Customer’s mail while in transition to MATRIX locations, while being handled and stored at MATRIX locations or after shipping from MATRIX locations.


15)        Customer must use the exact mailing address for the Mailbox without modification as set forth in Section three (3) of Form 1583. The Postal Service will return mail without a proper address to the sender endorsed “Undeliverable as Addressed.”

16)        Delivery by commercial courier services must be made to MATRIX street address only (and not to a P.O. Box).  Upon signing this Agreement, Customer shall provide two forms of valid identification, one of which shall include a photograph.

17)        MATRIX reserves the right to open and inspect any packages or mail which may arrive damaged or that may be otherwise of questionable integrity or legality.

18)                     ADDITIONAL FEES may be charged on top of the monthly charges. Below are a lists of some of the fees but other fees may be assessed if deemed necessary and communicated to the Customer. Additional fee charges only take effect if you go above your plan’s allotment. ALL forwarding shipping and handling charges are on top of Mailbox monthly or yearly rental charges. Fee pricing may change without notice and continued use of services shall mark acceptance of any changes.

Go To Mail Management and Additional Fees: https://www.matrixmailbox.com/additional-fees/

Monthly Billing:

You will be billed on the first of each month for the following month’s virtual mailbox rental and the previous month’s usage of mail received, scans requested, and storage services above your plan’s allotment.

Yearly Billing:

You will be billed annually on your anniversary date for following year’s virtual mailbox rental. You will be billed on the first of each month for the previous month’s usage of mail received, scans requested, and storage services above your plan’s allotment.

Incoming Mail:

Each plan has an allotment of incoming mail received by MATRIX as part of their allotment. Any mail items received above their plan allotment is charged an additional fee. The Matrix Mailbox Mail Management and Additional Fees below details additional fee amounts per plan.

Scan Requests:

Customer may request for MATRIX to open and scan the contents of mail received per their plan allotment. If customer’s scan request exceeds their plan allotment for scan requests for the month, total pages scanned per mail item and/or total pages scanned for the month additional scanning fees shall apply. The Matrix Mailbox Mail Management and Additional Fees below shows how additional scanning fees are charged. Scan restrictions apply as stated in section 6a.

Forward Requests + Shipping & Handling Charges:

Depending on your Plan all forward requests will incur a $1-$20+ Forward Request Fee. In addition to the Forward Request Fee the below additional Shipping and Handling charges are charged at the time the forward is processed and a valid credit card must be on file. Please note shippers may have additional pick-up charges for mail and packages which will also be billed to your credit card.

USPS/UPS services envelopes <3oz $1/mail item + shipping cost

USPS/UPS services envelopes >3oz $3/mail item + shipping cost

USPS/UPS Priority/Express/International $10-$25/mail item + shipping cost

Packages above 25lbs and/or over 108” in total circumference $50+$1/pound/mail item + shipping cost

Drop Off required $10/mail item

Customer understands that once they make a forward request it is processed without informing the customer of shipping and handling charges and customer accepts all charges. ALL SHIPPING CHARGES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE ONCE PROCESSED BY MATRIX.

Recycle and Shredding Requests:

Customers may request unlimited recycling of mail items included in all plans offered. If a customer requests mail item to be shredded additional fees apply. See Matrix Mailbox Mail Management and Additional Fees below for shredding additional fees.

Storage Charges:

Each plan has a fixed number of storage days included within their plan. Any mail stored after their allotted storage days has additional fees. Please see section 6d for storage services and Matrix Mailbox Mail Management and Additional Fees below for storage fee charges. 

Additional Names/Unauthorized Names Mail Acceptance:

Depending on your plan you may have 1-4+ authorized names for which we will receive mail under your plan. You may upgrade your plan to allow for more authorized names or you may request to just add authorized names for additional fees. For mail with unauthorized names on a mail item and depending on what plan you have, you will be charged an additional fee when we receive mail with an unauthorized name. Please make sure you let us know what names you wish authorized, and you tell your senders the correct names to use when sending your mail. We only allow name changes once per month. Please see pricing to upgrade your plan, add an authorized name or for fees for unauthorized names under Mail Management and your specific plan.

Mail Received without Assigned Mailbox Number:

Upon being authorized for services with Matrix Mailbox each account will be assigned an individual Mailbox Number. All mail must include the mailbox number for mail addressed to you or one of your authorized names. If a mail item is received and does not have your Mailbox number on your mail item, there will be additional charges as designated in our Additional Fees

Special Requests:

Special requests are for any services not described above or in MATRIX’S sole judgement any service that is provided that may require additional charges. Such charges shall be communicated to the customer prior to services being provided and charges shall be stipulated for customer acceptance.

Re-Activation Fee/Deposit Request:

If the account becomes deactivated for invalid credit card or for any other reason, there is a $25 re-activation fee. A $100 Deposit may be requested for invalid credit cards accounts. Deposit will be used if Customer credit card comes up invalid for payment of services and account will be de-activated until deposit amount used is replenished. Deposit accounts shall be replenished when the deposit balance fall below $25. No services shall be provided while the account is deactivated, or sufficient deposit balances are not maintained. Please note if your account is permanently deactivated all mail received will be refused and sent back to the sender.

Go To Mail Management and Additional Fees: https://www.matrixmailbox.com/additional-fees/


19)                     Signing up and usage of Matrix services shall constitute acceptance by the Customer of all above terms and conditions. Unless a Customer sends a cancellation request by email to support@matrixmailbox.com and receives a confirmation email from MATRIX that cancellation request has been received, Customer accepts all charges associated with their services and acceptance of terms and conditions. If any part of this agreement is found unlawful, all other parts shall remain enforceable and binding. Customer must accept the above Terms of and Conditions in order for services to be provided to customer. If the Customer does not accept the above terms of service, no services shall be provided by MATRIX and services will be considered cancelled by customer.

20)                     Cancellation of services. Customers may request to cancel services at any time by emailing support@matrixmailbox.com. Cancellation of services is described in section 5 of this agreement