https://www.matrixmailbox.com/additional-fees/ Click link to see additional fees for all plans
Yes, you can use the address for either or both personal and business use.
Depending on the Plan you subscribed to each plan has a set limit of authorized names. Our plan A allows 2 authorized names, Plan B 3 authorized names and Plan C 4 authorized names. An authorized name is either a Persons Name or a Business Name. Any unauthorized name personal or business on the mail piece will have additional charges. Example, if you have Plan A with 2 authorized names and your authorized names are John Doe and Mary Doe and a mail item is received with Jane Doe, XYZ company, Jane Doe and/or XYZ Company would both be considered an unauthorized name. We will still scan the mail piece into your inbox but if you ask us to recycle/shred, scan or forward the mail item you will be charged $5/mail item received. If you choose Not Mine, there is no charge. To avoid this charge, make sure you have all names authorized and your senders are aware of how to address your mail. You may also add additional authorized names above your plan for $10/name/month. Please email us to add authorized names or upgrade your plan or reference our Matrix Mailbox Additional fees to see unauthorized mail items fees.
Yes, in most cases our address is a legal business address and can be used in bank and government documents. However we are not able to provide lease agreements, utility bills or other forms of verification. We only provide mailbox services and use of our address for receipt and management of your mail which does not constitute any form of a legal lease or residency of our premises.
You will get a unique unit number along with our main address. As mail comes in for your name, company name, authorized users or your unit number we scan the outside of the mail item with who the sender was. You then will receive a notification that you have new mail in your inbox. You login and tell us what you would like done with your mail. Your options are:
- Open and Scan the contents of the mail (packages contents are not scannable)
- Request to forward mail item to you or other destination
- Shred mail item.
All of this can be done from any Internet connected device. We even have phone apps that make it even easier to manage your mail.
We have different plans that have different allotment of mail items you can receive and scan and open. Don’t worry if you go over your allotment you are charged reasonable fees to process mail over your plan allotment. We do not discard mail until you instruct to do so. Click Services from the above main menu to see all our plans.
Other charges that may happen are shipping and handling charges, additional scanning charges, unauthorized name mail received charges, additional authorized names and storage charges. All additional fees are clearly spelled out in your welcome email once your service starts.
When we receive your mail item you can request us to open the mail and we will scan the contents of the mail. Each plan has a certain limit on how many pages we will scan before additional charges apply. Also their are bulk scanning charges that may apply each month. We do not scan books, catalogs, pamphlets, bulk legal documents, brochures, terms and conditions or other documents that may not be easily scanned. We do not open and scan packages under any circumstance.
No, we are sorry but we use a commercial scanning system that takes images of the documents and due the restrictions on the software we use we can not upload high res images or PDFs. If you need a better quality image please request the mail item forwarded to you so you have the originals.
Each plan has certain amount of days of free storage for mail we receive on your behalf and after that you are charged storage fees per mail item. To help you manage this, in your account you will clearly see if you are being charged storage charges. Once you either forward or shred a mail item storage charges will stop.
To avoid or stop storage charges, all mail items must end with either a forward, recycle or shred request. In your account you will be able to see if you are incurring storage charges for any mail items. They will be in the Action Required folder and there will be a bold statement at the bottom for each mail item letting you know you are incurring storage charges.
We process all mail if the name matches an authorized name on your account or unit number. If the name is not authorized and you ask us forward, open or scan or shred the mail item there is an additional fee per mail item. If you reject the mail item there is no charge and mail is returned to sender or discarded as junk mail.
You can have as many as you wish. Just login into your account and click settings and then forwarding addresses and you then create, edit, delete and manage all your forwarding addresses.
Yes, if you request individual mail items forwarded at the same time we automatically try and combine them into a single forward.
No, we are sorry we can not combine packages into a single forward as we do not have boxes to provide this service. All packages will be forwarded individually at their own shipping and handling costs.
We use exclusively the US Postal Service as our way of forwarding all mail items. The only services we can offer are First Class Mail, Priority Mail and Priority Express Mail. There are handling fees for each forward request.
Yes, if you choose Priority or Priority Express mail we can provide a tracking number. Once a mail item is forwarded you can see the tracking number from your account. First class mail does not provide a tracking number.
Mail is processed in the order it is received. We are not able to look for individual mail items and we can not process mail out of order. Mail processing times are typically within 1-3 business days of receipt, however depending on when mail arrives, volume of mail that day, busy mailing seasons and a variety of other factors mail can take up to 5 business days to process. We are sorry but there is no faster method of processing mail as it is all done by hand and we aim for accuracy over speed. Also please keep in mind we do not control when mail is delivered to us and depending the originating shipper mail can take longer than expected to actually get to our address. We do our absolute best to process mail as quickly as possible and have a 99.99% accuracy of mail handling. So rest assured that when we get your mail, it will show up in your inbox.
We understand that your mail is important and that is why we focus on the quality of our work rather than speed. Because we process thousands of mail items, if something is very urgent, we recommend not going through our system as we are sorry, but we do not have the ability to look for individual mail items regardless of circumstances.
No, it is best to have large packages directly sent to you. Not only for costs savings but we are not equipped handle to large packages. Rule of thumb if its over 2’x2’x2’ or weighs over 20lbs you should have the package sent to you directly. Shipping costs for large and heavy packages are not cheap and we believe its best to have them delivered directly to you. With that said we don’t turn away deliveries and in most cases will accept your package.
Yes, in most cases we can sign for mail items that need a signature. Please keep in mind that deliveries made outside of our business hours or other considerations may prevent us from signing for your mail. We recommend that you request all senders to not require a signature when sending to our locations if possible.
Yes, many of our customers are international. As stated above large packages are not recommended for forwarding through our system as the cost is extremely high to forward internationally.
You can go to www.usps.com and look up shipping costs for most destinations around the world. We do not mark up the actual shipping cost but there is a handling fee added to every mail forward request. The fees are located in Additional Fees Document sent to
you along with your Welcome Letter when you first sign up for the services.
Yes, when you login into your account you can go to Billing, then Statements and then each monthly invoice to see your detailed billing.
No, we are sorry but we are not setup for retail services and do not have staff at our locations that can help with local pickup. Also most mail is not processed at the address received. We have a central processing facility which mail is sent to daily. We kindly ask that you do not come to any of the addresses looking for your mail as it violates our lease with our landlord.
Support is typically open 9am-5pm PST. We are closed weekends and all holidays.
Yes once you get your account login, just click on the help button on the top right of your account and there are articles and video instructions on how to use the services.
Anytime Mailbox is our partner company that provides the software to run our business and they also provider marketing services in getting all their operator partners new customers. We are two separate companies. If you found us through them you will see them helping initially to walk you through the application process and then setup your account. Once your account is setup by them it’s handed over to the actual mailbox operators (Matrix Mailbox in this case) to provide the service. We work in conjunction with their customer service team but we recommend after your account is setup you email us direct for any issues with your service: support@matrixmailbox.com
We are sorry but we do not have a call-in customer support team. We are a small business and we handle all support issues by email only so there is no support phone number. We are usually very quick to respond, and most problems get solved with just one email.
Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Washington’s Birthday
Memorial Day
Day before Independence Day if weekday
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Day
Friday After Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Eve if weekday
Christmas Day
New Year’s Eve if weekday
New Year’s Day
We are providing Mailbox Services only and do not provide lease agreements or utility bills.
No we do not allow you to use our address as your Registered Agent (RA) address or services. There is a reason as to why you shouldn’t use our address as your RA address. Mainly once an address gets on the Secretary of State database as an RA address you will have trouble using our address for your bank, vendors and other government agencies since they will know you are using a mailbox service. Always use a RA provider with its own address for your RA needs. We recommend our partners at Firstbase.io but you can use any RA provider.